South Africa Conference, September 2014

Tuning Your Instrument: The Buddha, the Brain, and Bach

9:30AM - 4:ooPM, September 4, 2014

Institute for Mindfulness South Africa (IMISA) “Mindfulness Matters 2014”

Workshop Leaders

Clifford Saron, Barbara Bogatin

Workshop Details

Clifford Saron, Associate Research Scientist at University of California, Davis and San Francisco Symphony cellist Barbara Bogatin collaborate to offer this experiential workshop exploring the practice of awareness in meditation, music and brain science. 

They will examine the parallels between musical and meditative practice and its effects on cognition, perception and self-organization, and show how a musician’s deepening mindfulness allows for greater freedom in performance and interpretation. 

The morning will include short guided meditations, discussions about neuroplasticity and the embodiment of expertise, and musical interludes of Bach for solo cello.